CO1. Understand the history of translation with with reference to the translations of religeous texts, classics and masterpieces of literature.

CO2. Understand the theoretical aspects of translation of Roman Jacobson, C J Catford, E A Nida, Jiri Levy, Peter Newmark, Mona Baker, Walter Benjamin and Itamar Evan Zohar.

CO3. Understand the basic concept of Source Language and Target Language an dits usage and terms.

CO4. Understand the structure, forms and grammatical elements with respect to socio-cultural background of the Source and Target Languages.

CO5. Analyse the possibilities and impossibilities of finding the equivalence in translation.

CO6. Understand the advantage and disadvantage of Machine translation.

CO7. Apply the theoretical principles of translation in translating  different genres of literature from English to Malayalam and vice-versa.

CO8. Evaluate the translation a literary work with its socio-cultural context.

CO9. Analyse the original work and its translation in a comparative perspective.

CO10. Apply theoretical aspects of translation in writing reviews of translated works in the context of socio-cultural backgroung