Course Outcome: To enable the students to understand the concept of Linguistics. To acquaint the student with the history of Sanskrit language and its relation with its origin. To understand linguistics on the basis of Sanskrit language and Indian grammatical features. 

Module I Introduction - General survey of Linguistics - Four divisions of Philology - Phonology, Morphology, Semantics and Syntax.Linguistic families - Into European language families.

Module II  Phonology:  Fortunatov's Law - Grassman's Law - Anology

Module III  Morphology: Compounds - Paniniayan Classification of Compounds.

Module IV Semantics: Primary and  Secondary meaning - Semantic Change - Causes of Semantic Change.

Reference Books : 

  • Comparative philology of Indo European languages, T.K. Ramachandra Iyer, R.S. Vadhyar & Sons, Kalpati, Palakkad.
  • An Introduction to Sanskrit Linguistics, Sreeman Narayana Murthi, D.K. Publications, Delhi.
  • General Linguistics An Introductory Survey, Robins R.H. 
  • Linguistics - Introduction to Sanskrit, Balakrishna Ghosh. 
  • A History of Sanskrit Literature, A.B. Keith, Motilal Banarasidas Publishers, Delhi.
  • History of classical Sanskrit Literature , Krishnamachariar.
  • Samskrtasahityacaritram Part II Kerala Sahitya Academy, Thrissur.